Recovering NetGear WNR3500Lv2 from vampik Oleg's firmware

I have NetGear WNR3500Lv2, which I had installed with Oleg wl500 firmware gotten from, which already disappeared in wast of internet.

Wished to update to TomatoUSB, but there was no way to upload firmware through GUI, and all recovery using tftp didn't work for some reason.

Until I …

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Mailman translation

Prieš N (beveik 10) metų verčiau Mailman'o instaliaciją, kad atrodytų žmogiškiau bei man priimtiniau (dėl skonio nesiginčijama).

Vakar teko instaliuot Mailman 2.0, ir galvojau kaip čia iš naujos ir senos versijų vertimų padaryti vieną. Išsigelbėjimas:

msgcat --use-first -F -o mailman_new.po mailman215ltpb.po mailman22lt.po
msgfmt -o …
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FreeBSD, virtualenv, pysqlite

By default build fails with undefined SQLITE_ symbols, which is normal given that setup.cfg from pysqlite tarball contains commented out include_dirs and library_dirs...

This in ~/.pydistutils.cfg fixes the issue (for now):

[build_ext] include_dirs=/usr/local/include library_dirs=/usr/local/lib
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